Welcome to MSMK7025: Algorithms, Big Data and Online Marketplaces!

Class Dates: Nov 28, Dec 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, and Jan 2, 6, 9, 2025
Class A: Mon & Thu 09:30-12:30 (ATC-B4)
Class B: Mon & Thu 14:00-17:00 (ATC-B4)
Class C: Mon & Thu 18:30-21:30 (ATC-B4)

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Instructor: Xi Li, Email: xili@hku.hk
Teaching Assistant: Ray Song, Email: soongray@hku.hk

  • You can download the software for the course here: R, R Studio and Tableau Public
  • Note: When installing R/Rstudio, make sure your path does not contain any non-english letters. (安装路径必须为纯英文,否则运行会出错)
  • If you have issues with the laptop version of R/RStudio, you can try the cloud platform here.
  • No textbooks for the course.
  • The order of presentation: Here
  • QR code and Link for peer evaluation of presentations
QR code for live comments

Lecture 1: Introduction

Slides (With Answer Keys)

Lecture 2: Introduction to R

Note: Please get R and Tableau Public installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Troubleshooting for package installation: Here
Additional Tips for summarizing data (in Chinese): link

Lecture 3: Introduction to Data Visualization

This class introduces Tableau Public, a power data visualization software. It is simple and you will have fun using it.
Note: Please get Tableau Public installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Data files: Superstore Data, Map Data, Calendar Data, Car Sales Data, Chocalate Data
WordArt for generating Word Cloud: WordArt

Lecture 4: Modeling Discrete Choices

Note: Please get R/RStudio installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)

Lecture 5: Data Workshop

Note: Please get R installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Dataset: CSV
Sample Data Analysis with R: Sample

Lecture 6: Web Scraping

Note: Please get R installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)

Lecture 7: Text Analysis

Note: Please get R installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
A Chinese sentiment lexicon here
Demonstration of LDA. Data files: document and stopword

Note: Please sign up an account for the data analytics platform here and add our course material here.