Welcome to MSMK7025: Algorithms, Big Data and Online Marketplaces!
Class Dates: Nov 28, Dec 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, and Jan 2, 6, 9, 2025
Class A: Mon & Thu 09:30-12:30 (ATC-B4)
Class B: Mon & Thu 14:00-17:00 (ATC-B4)
Class C: Mon & Thu 18:30-21:30 (ATC-B4)

Instructor: Xi Li, Email: xili@hku.hk
Teaching Assistant: Ray Song, Email: soongray@hku.hk
- You can download the software for the course here: R, R Studio and Tableau Public
- Note: When installing R/Rstudio, make sure your path does not contain any non-english letters. (安装路径必须为纯英文,否则运行会出错)
- If you have issues with the laptop version of R/RStudio, you can try the cloud platform here.
- No textbooks for the course.
- The order of presentation: Here
- QR code and Link for peer evaluation of presentations
Lecture 1: Introduction
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Lecture 2: Introduction to R
Note: Please get R and Tableau Public installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Troubleshooting for package installation: Here
Additional Tips for summarizing data (in Chinese): link
Lecture 3: Introduction to Data Visualization
This class introduces Tableau Public, a power data visualization software. It is simple and you will have fun using it.
Note: Please get Tableau Public installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Data files: Superstore Data, Map Data, Calendar Data, Car Sales Data, Chocalate Data
WordArt for generating Word Cloud: WordArt
Lecture 4: Modeling Discrete Choices
Note: Please get R/RStudio installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Lecture 5: Data Workshop
Note: Please get R installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Dataset: CSV
Sample Data Analysis with R: Sample
Lecture 6: Web Scraping
Note: Please get R installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Lecture 7: Text Analysis
Note: Please get R installed on your laptop and bring it with you.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
A Chinese sentiment lexicon here
Demonstration of LDA. Data files: document and stopword
Note: Please sign up an account for the data analytics platform here and add our course material here.
Lecture 8: Data Workshop 2
Note: Please sign up an account for the data analytics platform here and add our course material here at least one day before the class. Otherwise you will be unable to use the platform.
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Sample Code provided by Churong Wang used in class
Lecture 9: Causality and AB Testing
Slides (With Answer Keys)
Lecture 10: Personalization and Recommendation
Slides (With Answer Keys)
The class video and photos can be found on Moodle.