
Digital Marketing (Undergraduate)

This course takes a quantitative perspective to understand the operations of digital marketing. In addition to covering conventional topics such as search engine optimization, display advertising and social networks, the course also emphasizes on programming and data analytics.

Algorithms, Big Data and Online Marketplaces (MSc Marketing)

This course is perhaps the only marketing course with the word “algorithm” in it. It crosses three different areas: computer science, economics and marketing. In the course, students will apply various methodologies from machine learning, econometrics, and statistics to gather and analyze data from online platforms, and turn them into managerial insights. R and Tableau will be used for the class; nonetheless, we will start with the basic concepts, and those with zero background in computer programming can also master the course.

Marketing Analytics (市场营销分析)

Python for Data Analytics


Case Development:

Valuation of Hong Kong Residential Property Data Case, Asia Case Research Center, HKU